Apple iPad Models Explained

Apple iPad Review | iPad Models Explained

2-ipadsTechnical spec’s really don’t enter into the discussion here as each model has a processor that’s matched to it’s display needs so they perform adequately. Similarly all iPads are designed to give 10 hours of use on a single charge. More demanding iPads have a bigger battery so you don’t need to compare since you’ll get that 10 hours of usage

The touchscreen is used to interact with the iPad tablet. You touch the screen and swipe with one or more fingers to indicate a selection, open an application, move down, up and across pages and screen of icons. An on-screen keyboard is used to input text so there is no need for an additional keyboard (although wireless keyboards are available and are excellent for those that need to be more production).

CLICK HERE to view a VIDEO of iPad Air in action.


The iPad has an excellent touchscreen that is very responsive and accurate. A good touchscreen is essential to the the ongoing enjoyment of your tablet.


icloud_iconTablet storage is much like the hard disk storage of your notebook or desktop computer. Storage typically starts at 16GB and goes as high as 64GB. With constant connection to the Internet a large amount of in-device storage isn’t necessary. You can use “cloud storage” for documents and music files.

CLICK HERE to find the right iPad for you.


index_itunes_featuresYou will be able to access additional capabilities by adding Apps (applications or computer programs) from the Apple Store. There are many excellent free Apps to choose from so it’s possible to get by without spending additional funds on third-party Apps.


iPad 2

ipad-2The iPad 2 is a not the same iPad 2 that was originally launched several years ago. Apple upgraded the processor making it as capable as the iPad 3 or iPad 4 (both discontinued and replaced with the iPad Air) given it has a lower screen resolution.

If you are on a budget you’ll save 100 dollars (same in UK pounds) over the iPad Air.

Click here to visit the OFFICIAL Apple iPad website.


iPad Air

ipad-retinaThe feature you will most notice here is the higher resolution of the Retina display. Unless you compare side-by-side a Retina to a non-Retina display I’d say you will not be aware of the differences — most people can’t tell.



iPad Mini

ipad-miniSo what’s the difference? Size and that’s about it. The smaller size is more convenient when holding or carrying your iPad Mini. But that’s a problem if you read traditional magazine’s on the iPad Mini’s smaller display. For magazine reading get the iPad air.


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